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Company Name: PRS

Posted on: 19/08/2021, Ad ID: Had08842

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Email : shahprashant030@gmail.com

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Online Free Course for those who want to learn Artificial Intelligence. You will get courses documents for free. You just need to help us by learning and building our demo project. It is a kind of free internship.

Full Details :

This is the Free online course for those who want to learn Artificial Intelligence. You will get courses documents for free. You just need to help us by learning and building our demo project. It is a kind of free internship. You are not supposed to pay any amount. Neither you are supposed to work so hard. You just need to learn. And help us in our project by collecting documents, parameters and any other stuffs. If you are interested then please fill up the form. Link of the form is given in the attached document.



Contact Person

Prashant Shah



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