Posted on: 28/07/2021, Ad ID: Had08621
No-52-12/13,1st Floor, Radial Nagar West Extension, Chennai-600101
We all love to celebrate and need little reason to celebrate whether it be winning the World Cup or the Common Wealth Games or birthdays, Graduation party, weddings etc. in the family. Celebrations are an integral part of our life and often a symbol of happiness. However, modern lifestyles, busy work schedules, smaller families and participation of women in the workforce, have resulted in less manpower and time to plan, organise and execute such events. Hence many people prefer to use the services of an expert who has the know-how and takes care of the minutest details to plan and execute such events. Nowadays organisations and institutions also hire the services of such experts to organise a variety of events. This is referred to as outsourcing. Experts who undertake this work are known